Image taken by Corn Wagon Thunder after she installed my Pod at the top of the Paulus Berensohn Trail at Penland School of Arts & Crafts this fall……
In August I received a call from Penland that my piece which was about to go up for auction had a small crack in it and they were concerned about it. We decided, sadly that it would be best to withdraw the piece from the auction…. Naturally I was disappointed that it could not be used to raise funds for Penland. I was especially sad because I love this piece in spite of the small crack and started thinking about what could be done with it to show how special it is in spite of it’s imperfection…..
It occurred to me that I would love for Paulus Berensohn to have it in spite of his recent death. I knew Paulus would love this piece all the more for its wabi sabi nature. It also seemed an appropriate gift because the buckeye that had inspired it was a gift to me from a mutually loved friend, Jo Jeffers….
Anyway, I heard from Corn who kindly asked if I would like them to return the piece or what might I like to do with it? I told her how much I treasured my friendship with Paulus over the years and would like for it to be installed along the trail named in his honor. Not only did she like the idea but she generously offered to take it on a future hike and find an appropriate place for it. This was the best possible news! I thanked her and then waited….
Recently I received an email and she said that not only had she taken the Pod on a hike but had found the perfect place for it at the top of the ridge. She even hesitated to hammer a nail into the wood of the tree but instead found part of a broken limb conveniently waiting for the installation of my Pod.
Attached was this stunning picture Corn took of Paulus’s Pod! It could not be more perfect really and brings tears to my eyes as I think about how satisfying he will find all the meaning behind this special gift. It was as if it was intended all along to be my last thank you to Paulus for all he gave me through his book, his philosophy of life and teaching and his presence at two of the workshops I taught at Penland. I was unable to be with him in the end but I know he knows how much I loved and admired him along with a multitude of others. I know his spirit lives on at Penland and I am so thankful to Corn and her assistance for making this happen.
Now I look forward to returning to Penland for a little visit with Paulus along the trail. I am also anxious to meet Corn to show my appreciation in Person.
Much love to Paulus and to Penland & the Penland family for the many gifts I have received because of my association and friendship with both,