The day after Christmas always feels like the real beginning of a new year for me. It is also a day that I pause to remember the past year, all those other Christmases, each with it's own unique and special memories. So today I am enjoying sweet thoughts of yesterday's Christmas day with my son Ryan, daughter-in-law Jen, granddaughter Lily, grandson Charlie, my husband Roger and all the pooches - Jaz, Rosie, Oden & newcomer Lexi! Thank you each and every one for making the day one we can all remember with a smile on our faces as we recall at least one really special, often small happening, that we will remember next year when we look back on past Christmases... I love each of you deeply and completely. Alice, Mom and Mimi
Thank you CCES 5th graders for making this Christmas 2014 extra special!!!...
We thought you might enjoy our Dr. Seuss Tree that Roger and I recently decorated for the holidays. It is a Norfolk pine that I have had ever since it was about 18" high! That was 19 years ago! Now it is about ready to outgrow our living room! My friends say I have a green thumb...
Christmas at the home of Alice Ballard, Roger Dalrymple, Jaz & Rosie
This hand building workshop in clay will also focus on helping you finding your form and will show you how to make and use terra sigillata. To get more information or to register go to -
Hope I will see some of you for the workshop in June/July, 2015. I am really looking forward to teaching a workshop there for the first time! It is the perfect time of the year to be teaching "Finding Your Form Through Nature".
Recently I was contacted by Paul Blais to do an interview for It is Episode 69 if you would like to see what he has written about me and my work. To do this google Paul Blais at I hope you will enjoy the interview that he did with me as much as we enjoyed each other! Paul does a great interview and I can hardly wait to hear his other podcasts.
Thank you Paul for contacting me and for being such a personable, knowledgeable and humorous interviewer! You are such fun to work with and I had a fine time. I also appreciate the wonderful opportunity for more people to get to see my work!
Many of my smaller Meditation Pieces and from Greenville Open Studios are still on display in case you would like to purchase a piece for Christmas! My studio also has a large assortment of "White Work" from my installation "A Walk Remembered" along with a variety of other work.
Though my studio does not have regular hours, you may call any time to make an appointment to come by. My cell phone is (864) 414-0478. I plan to be here through Christmas Eve, so give me a call or email if you want to have a look. Also check out my web site, to the left of the Blog, you will see I do have an inventory list of items in addition to what I might have around my home and studio. In addition I do commission work.
Here's wishing all of you a wonderful HOLIDAY!
It was a pleasure working with you George. If you need an excellent photographer to work with it is George!
This outstanding exhibition will be up through December 13th, 2014 in S. Tucker Cooke Gallery, Owen Hall, UNC Asheville, NC - Go see it! It will be well worth your time.