A once in a life-time experience that I will never forget....
While Roger, Jaz, Rosie and I were on St. George Island for Thanksgiving week, I received this wonderful email that Walker and Krystle had stopped to see my show at the Greenville County Museum of Art! Thank you both from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to stop in Greenville. By the way, that is a terrific picture!
Thank you to all of you who came to my talk Sunday at the Greenville County Museum of Art. A special thanks goes to those who stayed for the gallery walk through! I am sure you could tell that I really loved the gallery walk through with all those great questions. In fact I am still pondering some of those questions as I step out on the next leg of my journey! I will keep you posted...
My solo show at the Greenville County Museum of Art opens today, November 16th, with a talk and gallery walk through. http://gcma.org/see/
Thank you's go to MAC, MAC volunteers, all the wonderful visitors, old and new friends, former students who are always near and dear to my heart and a special thank you to Michael Zeimer, a dear friend whose expert help and support made Sunday the best day we have ever had in all the years we have participated in GOS! Alice, Roger and the party poodles Jaz and Rosie
Just ask Jaz and Rosie, our 2 parti-poodles, who look all partied out after a full day of greeting old and new friends, former students, surprise visitors, all wonderful art enthusiasts taking the time to get out there and support the arts! Thank you one and all....
This was the last area of my studio to prepare for Greenville Open Studios.
Because so much of my work is in a show at the Greenville County Museum of Art, I am trying to give my studio a fresh, new look. For one thing, I am displaying many of my smaller works that I don't always sell, along with some of my monotypes. Along with this I am offering quite a bit of work for half price, something I have not done before. It is clear that I need more space in my studio so I hope this will be a way to find new homes for some older but favorite work and make more space for new work....Wish me luck!
If you are in the area and even if you aren't, Greenville Open Studios is a fantastic event! It would be well worth your time to attend. If you start at my studio, I have booklets and would be happy to help you plan your day! Hope to see you this weekend!
check this out if you love line - http://www.pinterest.com/alicerballard/line/
These new Half Pods hang closer to the wall and are displayed stem down. Ten Half Pods will be displayed in one long line at typical face height.