Our builder, Al Waddell, was finally able to get the footings and foundation for our home and studios are done between rain storms! To celebrate the reality of our new home and studios in Clover, SC, our family met in the orchard for an Easter egg hunt! The weather was absolutely perfect, the sky a deep blue, the new grass was a lush spring green and the fruit trees were blooming!
Roger and I helped my son Ryan hide eggs in the part of the orchard not under construction. It was such fun looking for just the right places to hide the eggs! When Jen, our daughter-in-law arrived with Lily and Charlie, we could hardly restrain them from running full steam ahead into the orchard to start hunting for those bright colored easter eggs containing coins and candy! I have included a few pictures of the hunt. Mind you, it was hard to keep up! Of course the "golden egg" was the big find! Even Jaz and Rosie, our 4 legged family members, joined in the fun and excitement of the moment. What a memory this will be for all of us and most certainly it will be the beginning of a new family tradition....
The other memory will always be the excitement of seeing the foundation for our new home. Our dream was suddenly becoming reality and I am so very happy that we shared this exciting experience as a family!