"Artists are people driven by the tension between the desire to communicate and the desire to hide." D. W. Winnicott
On the subject of hiding... I took this sun face down outside my studio door recently to take to school. I wanted to use it as an example for the students since they are starting this project in clay. After removing it, I was startled to discover something on the wall that had been hidden by the sun face!
There attached to the cedar siding was this precious, tiny brown bat!!!! You can see his little ears at the bottom and his folded wings along side his inverted, furry, little body. I was so surprised and excited to see this tiny fellow up close, that I had to show him (or her) to my husband Roger. Then, I carefully replaced the protective sun face in a way that would not disturb this tiny sleeper.... I still sigh when I think about it. It seemed like such gift and a privilege to have such a lovely encounter.