Last Friday evening on May 1, 2015, Kate Furman, a former student, opened a highly publicized exhibition called "Defining She" at Artistry Workshops & Gallery at 12 Andrews St., Greenville, SC. I fact, I would like to applaud them for a very effect use of social media to get the word out! Having said that I want to tell you it is an excellent show, one of the best I have seen in quite some time and well worth your time to go and see it!  

Kate recently returned to Greenville, after completing an advanced jewelry and metals degree at Rhode Island School of Design.  In photographs the work is impressive and stands alone in its uniqueness but in reality the work completely took my breath away!  The creative vision is like no other as you will see for yourself. Yet, the work couples Kate's amazing skill with metals with the roughest of Nature's materials in a way that is both stunning and startling!  Kate, no doubt has a working relationship with her materials that pays homage to those amazing discoveries one can make in the natural world, if only you take the time to look....

Emily Clarke, Jessie Kendall and Rachel Vann also had superb offerings for the show.  Though each young woman had a highly personal and vastly different vision for their work, the work created a strangely elegant harmony...

You really must not miss this show!  artistry workshops and gallery greenville sc

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