My wall installation, "10 Half-Pods", that made its debut recently in a solo show at the Greenville County Museum of Art, has been accepted into ARTFIELDS! From April 24th through May 2nd, artists selected from 12 Southeastern states will compete for over $100,000 in award money in this important juried exhibition. 

Launched in 2013, ArtFields annually transforms the historic district of Lake City into a Southern art mecca for 9 days, allowing visitors, residents, and artist to experience a massive arts festival in the heart of one of South Carolina's most charming small towns. 

"10 Half-Pods" will be installed at 104 E. Main in Lake City.

"10 Half-Pods", a wall installation by Alice Ballard,  approximately 10 feet across and at a height of approximately 4.5 feet.  Each Half-Pod is made of earthenware with oxides, and colored terra sigillata

Half-Pod by Alice Ballard, detail from "10 Half-Pods", a wall installation

Half-Pod by Alice Ballard, detail from the wall installation "10 Half-Pods"
