Yes! It is Paulus Berensohn - philosopher, teacher, dancer, writer, poet, visual artist, environmentalist, and loving friend. I met Paulus years before I actually met him in the flesh. It was through his book "Finding One's Way in Clay". It was this book that became my guide as I ventured into the world of teaching. From 1971 on, this book became my constant companion and a book that to this day I still carry along to all my clay workshops. It is a constant reminder of the importance of always being "open", as a student and as a teacher. It is an old and tattered book now, shared with too many others to even imagine the actual number... Paulus has no idea how many of us have truly "found our way" through this amazing book. Add to this the effect he has had on us through his teachings, his art, his good deeds, not to mention, his very presence....
This image of Paulus will have a special spot in my studio where I can see him every day and give thanks for our friendship. Funny, but as I look at the envelope that brought the Paulus image and note, I do think Paulus does wear his heart on his hand!
I love this picture of Paulus taken by his friend, the eloquent poet Mary Oliver...