Familiarizing myself with both the institution where my work is going, the people that work in the space and the actual site where the work will be shown, is all part of my preparation for a show or for a commissioned piece.  

I have always loved this Richard Hunt sculpture that greets one at the entrance of the museum.  

Behind the glass inset, on the bottom level of the Museum, is the gallery space where my work will be on display.

One of the things that has always drawn me to the architecture of the Greenville Museum is the way the concrete building material has been used.  The texture from the wooden forms imprinted in the concrete walls appears to record the building process. What you see outside as a surface, is what you see inside.  Somehow, it connects the inside space with the outside surface of the building in a way that twists our perception of what is outside and what is inside... I also enjoy the quiet yet dramatic use of unusual angles.

 What I said about the architecture of the museum can also be said about the beautiful exhibition space at the base of the stairs, Lower Gallery 1, where my work will be installed. The ceiling is as high as the museum is tall  The suspended lighting adds a touch of drama. Then there is the most unique feature of this space. The open landings at the center of the museum allow for the viewer to see the work while looking down from the open balconies above the space...

The museum staff has been supportive, informative and enthusiastic.  

So it is back to the studio to forge ahead creating the final pieces for consideration for the show that will complete a cohesive body of work that also makes use of the special qualities of the space where they will be displayed... 
