Thank you Ian for your support, your friendship and for creating my beautiful web site that I have enjoyed all these years!!!!!!!
Ian Borsook and his photographer wife Alice came to visit my studio many years ago while visiting our friend, Anne Barr, here in Greenville, SC. It was one of those instant "likes" that developed into long-distance friendship. Ian was pretty insistent, if I remember correctly, that he could do a much better job on my web site than the one I had at the time. Well, he was absolutely right! Over the years, I have had and continue to have constant complements on this elegant site. It has been a great source of pride for me and a marvelous tool for sharing my work and advancing my career. I will never be able to thank him enough for this generous gift but this is a stab at it.
I want very much to keep this site in place to provide a broader look at my work over the years but would also like to add this new site/blog with Squarespace. My son Ryan Munn felt it was time for me to start being more actively involved in the benefits of social media and the age of technology. If you read the first blog post, you know all about the process we went through to get to this point. The resulting blog and site on Squarespace allows me to manage current and up coming events in a timely fashion. It is also a better way for me to manage the inventory of work.
In the future, you will be able to find a link for in the left hand column under links. I hope you will visit this site to enjoy what Ian created for me and for my work. In addition he created a beautiful site for my husband Roger Dalrymple . We will forever be grateful to Ian for our elegant, thoughtful and professionally done web sites and hope to see them often in the future on their visits to South Carolina.
With warmest regards and special thanks to Ian and Alice for their friendship and support...