4 Vessels for 4 Seasons will take place from June 16-20, 2014 at The Bascom in the splendor and beauty of Highlands, NC.  This is a new offering that will be an opportunity to learn some of the main principles of the philosophy and art of Ikebana arranging.  This will be followed by the creation of containers that are suited to both the principles and available plant materials for each of the four seasons.  The goal is to create four vessels in clay and to have at least one vessel, both bisque and glaze fired, for the last class.  We will then put what we learned into action with an Ikebana arrangement made from plant material that we will collect from the surrounding area. We will also plan to visit the local Botanical Garden for inspiration  All vessels will be made using various methods of hand building.  Some extruded forms will be made ahead of time to get the process started quickly. 

In preparation for this class, I have put together a board on Pinterest called Ikebana.  This includes Zen moss gardens, the art of bonsai, etc. but mostly it is filled with exciting containers and arrangements that I hope will inspire you to start thinking about the kind(s) of containers you might want to make.  

This class is open to all levels.

Tuition is $425 for Bascom Members, $460 for non-members

The Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts, 323 Franklin Road - Highlands, nC, 28741, 828-526-4949,  www.thebascom.org
