The weather was cool, clear, not too hot and the skies were the vivid blue of Alaska skies in the summer.... 

Corbin Tucker met me when I arrived at the Barn on Sunday.  The studio was completely set up for the next morning.  Our friendship started when I met Corbin in my very first workshop at Odyssey in Asheville, NC. Since that time, our friendship has grown and flourished!  Corbin has become an accomplished ceramic artist and a beloved and trusted friend!  

VESSELS FOR ALL SEASONS had filled quickly with many returning friends from 4 VESSELS FOR 4 SEASONS IN 2014 along with a host of other clay enthusiasts of all levels and from many parts of the country.  With such an exceptional group arriving on Monday morning, it was not long before the Barn with its superbly equipped studio was buzzing with energy, excitement, laughter, and an explosion of creativity! We succeeded in firing at least 4 or 5 kiln loads by Friday.  The resulting work was stunning. A wide variety of sizes and forms were covered with a thin layer of terra sigillata in a rainbow of colors! Accents of brown and black copper carbonate looked stunning the way it brings out the texture and gives life to the form. The grand finale, however, was to see the final projects. Each person created an incredible arrangements that married the form of the vessel with their chosen "natural treasures" of branches, pods, rocks, blooms, grasses and leaves... It seemed a fitting way to bring our fun and the communion of being together to a chapter's end, a moment in time I will always remember, but certainly not an end.....  

Special thanks goes to each and every one of you who brought along your own special knowledge, experiences and your energy and you shared it with us! The sum of all of you together, created the unique, sometimes quiet and sometimes, wildly exuberant atmosphere of our workshop! 

Thank you Samantha Oliver, for being an outstanding artist-in-residence and superb studio assistant. Your willingness to stop and help was noticed and appreciated. Thank you Frank Vickery, for your incite, wisdom, knowledge and creativity that have lead the Bascom to having one of the most outstanding clay programs in the country!  Thank you again Corbin, Robert and pooches for your friendship, support and that fabulous party!!!!!


Here are a few images  from the Bascom workshop.  I hope some of you from the workshop will send me some of your best pictures, especially of your work and a class picture.  I will share them later!  Thanks! 
