3 views of Pair of Meditation Cups
Some still need one more firing but these are finished - ta da!
I knew Jen had been following my blog when she asked "how did the firing go?" I felt so flattered that I want to share those small meditation pieces after the first firing and in the kiln ready for their second firing...
A commission for the MUSC medical facility in Mt. Pleasant, SC. 2013. One of 5 niches on a long hallway. The work I created for each niche reflected nature, the seasons, renewal, and hope.
The dipper shaped white petals have fallen and the small remaining pods have quadrupled in size!
The new series of 7 half-pods are finished in clay and drying.
The GCMA and I are finalizing details for a 1 day drawing workshop on Saturday, November 15, 2014 to accompany my show that opens the same day at the Greenville County Museum of Art.
The workshop is called "Thinking with your Hands". It is a process oriented drawing workshop designed to help people learn to experience and enjoy drawing as a great way of working out ideas for their work, regardless off medium...
Contact the museum for further details. http://gcma.org/contact/
On the left is the 15th and final Pod to complete a 15 Pod Triangle for the exhibition at the Greenville County Museum of Art on November 16th 2014 - mid-January 2015. A talk will follow at 2:00 on Sunday the 15th and there will be a one day workshop called "Thinking with your Hands" all day that Saturday the 15th. Details on the workshop will be posted soon.
This Pod references our glorious Southern Magnolia Tree in this Triangle and is a must for inclusion in the 15 Pod Triangle. Begin with the stunning beauty of the Southern Magnolia just as a tree with its large evergreen polished leaves. Add to that the multitude of fascinating forms that make up the magnolia, from bud to bloom, to petals, followed by the fuzzy pink and green pod to the protrusion of crimson seeds and on to the handsome crusty black and grey highly textured pod left behind for the winter. Let us not forget that heavy fragrance that permeates the air on neighborhood walks in the heat of the summer...especially at night!
Think With Your Hands psychologytoday.com
New research suggests that we think with our hands as much as our brains.
"To Spring From the Hand" is a new film on DVD about the life and work of Paulus Berensohn. I just viewed the trailer. The little bit I saw brought tears to my eyes... Paulus has always felt like a kindred spirit ever since my friend Jo Jeffers introduced me to his book "Finding One's Way In Clay" in the late 60's after I had finished my masters in painting at the University of Michigan. This book, in the words of Paulus, "bit me in the ass!". It was so fresh and so full of meaning, process, and poetry that "Finding One's Way in Clay" became my "guiding star" led me right down the path to "clay". It also became my "bible" for teaching. Paulus was my mentor some 20 plus years before I met him. While living in Anchorage, Alaska, I decided to attend a concentration in clay at Penland. Paulus talked to my group about his time in Australia with the Aborigines. I was so awestruck and shy, I said very little but just observed and listened... It was many years later before I got to know him a bit while having lunch with our mutual friend Kitty Couch. Finally, when Jenny Mendes and I taught "Cross Pollination" at Penland, Paulus joined us. It seemed like we got to know one another as if by osmosis because the 3 of us shared a corner of downstairs clay for 2 glorious weeks. The whole room abounded with Paulus energy that lit the studio up with a quiet and soft glow....How very fortunate we all were to share that experience... I will always have a vision of Paulus greeting the sun each morning with head and hands raised.
Thank you Paulus for all that you have given us.....
I just ordered my copy of "Spring From the Hand" and can hardly wait for it to arrive. I cannot recommend it highly enough so check it out! wwwspringfromthehand.
I have almost completed the work in clay for 2 major works. One will be an installation of the whole Pod forms and another will be comprised of Half-Pod forms that will be displayed, stem down and tip up.
The original black eyed Susans were a gift from my friend Ginny Tate, a friend, colleague and fellow gardener. Now they are all over my yard but this is the best year ever! The gold finches are going to absolutely be thrilled this fall as their seeds are one of the gold finch favorites.
Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Ryan... Happy Birthday to you !...
Constantin Brancusi